About the Names of Ruminant Animals in the Kazakh Vocabulary of V.V. Radlov’s Dictionary
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dictionary, historical dictionary, lexical composition, lexicography, ethnolinguistics, history of language, thematic group.Abstract
The purpose of the proposed study is to study ideas about the names of ruminant animals (camel, cow, sheep-goat) in the works of one of the scientists who founded world turkology - academician V.V. Radlov, from the point of view of modern domestic linguistics. The scientist’s multi-volume dictionary “The Experience of a Dictionary of Turkic Dialects” written in the 19th century, and the research work “Die Hausthiere der Kirgisen” (“Cattle of the Kazakhs”) were taken as the main source of data in the study. Lexicology, lexicography and ethnolinguistics are taken as the main directions of research work. The main idea of the study is to determine the extent of coverage of Kazakh vocabulary by analyzing the names included in a specific thematic group in the works of the past historical period. During the thematic group analysis, it is determined to what extent the author managed to cover the vocabulary of the Kazakh language, as well as the degree of scientific significance of the works used as sources. Dictionary of V.V. Radlov's “The Experience of a dictionary of Turkic dialects”, as well as an extensive programmatic article devoted to the study of Kazakh livestock breeding, are considered the most advanced works of Turkology published in the 19th century in terms of the scope of the vocabulary of the Kazakh language and the degree of scientific description. The scientific significance of the work is directly related to this scientific value of the work. The practical value of the research lies in the analysis and collection of words by scientist who received linguistic education in the most advanced educational institutions in Europe, who collected ancient language materials during scientific expeditions organized to study Turkic languages, and who managed to master them competently. When studying Kazakh words contained in the most important sources created in past centuries, research methods of collection, description, comparison at the synchronous and diachronic levels, interlingual comparison, and ethnolinguistic analysis were used. The research carried out is of great importance in studying the history of the Kazakh language of past centuries, in revealing the nature of Kazakh vocabulary in a specific historical period. Thus, it is clear that this work is of great practical importance and makes a contribution to the history of language and historical lexicography.
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