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criteria-based assessment, Formative-Summative assessment, student performance, achievements, evaluation program, measurement.Abstract
The article deals with the problems of using the Criteria-based Assessment Model in Kazakhstan's education system. The Criteria-based Assessment Model uses specific quantitative indicators of students' understanding of the curriculum, an objective and reliable assessment of students' knowledge and achievements. This assessment system enables teachers to identify and evaluate each student's strengths and weaknesses, assess their learning needs and achieve educational goals. Additionally, it allows for targeted learning, feedback, and compliance with international standards. The Criteria-based Assessment Model aims to enhance student motivation and engagement through formative and summative evaluations. The formative assessment provides ongoing feedback and support while the summative assessment evaluates the overall curriculum at each stage of academic study and at the end of the year. The research uses a quantitative approach to assessing criteria. The Criteria Assessment Model demonstrates the quality of English language proficiency of secondary school students in the second quarter through formative and summative evaluations. It helps teachers in Kazakhstan's education system to achieve students' academic success and the objective of controlling and evaluation.
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