
  • Nurlan MANSUROV Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University
  • Zhanar SUINZHANOVA Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University


Word of Culture, Spiritual Culture, Mirror of Culture, Language and Culture, Spiritual and Material Vocabulary.


The article deals with the continuity of language and culture based on historical data. The study analyzes the definitions of the word culture and focuses on its nature. It is also important to understand that ancient culture refers to the spiritual and material knowledge of the people, as well as their national mentality, national consciousness, worldview, customs and traditions. The concept of knowledge formation is analyzed. And its coexistence with language is described as «language is a mirror of culture».The main theme of the article is the continuity of language and culture, which have been intertwined since ancient times, their role in the formation of spiritual and material vocabulary in society. At the same time, the role of language in the public consciousness, customs and traditions, rituals is shown and analyzed in the most comprehensive way. Because with the help of language and culture, a culture of speech, behavior, customs, rituals, dress code, art and ethnic symbols, etc. have been formed. The main issue of the article is the continuity of language and culture, which is understood by the people in terms of spiritual and material knowledge. In a word, language and culture is a complex concept that covers the entire national mentality, national consciousness, worldview, customs, spiritual and material wealth, starting with personality traits.

Author Biography

Nurlan MANSUROV, Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Yasawi Research Institute


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How to Cite

MANSUROV Н., & SUINZHANOVA Ж. (2022). LANGUAGE ĠS A UNĠQUE INSTRUMENT OF CULTURE. Turkology, 109(1), 35–48. Retrieved from


