„Path‟ and „Manner‟ in The Serialization of Motion Verbs


  • Erkan KIRIK Samsun University
  • Abdullah ÇİĞİL Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli University


Verbs, Motion verbs, serial verbs, path, manner.


Verbs are one of the most basic vocabulary elements of the language. These words express the being, manners and movements of beings in the universe. However, in order to express the movements of living and non-living beings in the universe, the verb category creates syntactic and semantic situations by performing some combinations within itself. Because the many movements of many beings in the universe cause endless combinations to appear. In order to express this, the verb category creates various combinations within itself. The most typical example of this is seen between motion verbs, which is a semantic class, and serial verb structures, which are a syntactic and semantic class.
Although there have been various studies on motion verbs, the limits of these verbs have not been determined in Turkish studies. Motion verbs, which can be considered as verbs expressing the displacement of beings in the universe, are closely related to serial verb structures, which is a syntactic and semantic category. Serial verb structures contain at least one motion verb in surface or deep structure. According to Talmy's typology, these verbs of motion mark the "way" where the movement takes place, or the "style", which is the way it takes place. In this study, the roles of "path" and "manner" in the serialization process of motion verbs are discussed in the Turkish context.

Author Biographies

Erkan KIRIK, Samsun University

Doç. Dr., Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences, Department of Turkish Language and Literature

Abdullah ÇİĞİL, Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli University

PhD Student, Institute of Social Sciences Turkish Language and Literature 


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How to Cite

KIRIK, E., & ÇİĞİL, A. (2021). „Path‟ and „Manner‟ in The Serialization of Motion Verbs. Turkology, 107(3), 87–105. Retrieved from https://journals.ayu.edu.kz/index.php/turkology/article/view/29


