The concept of traditional naming among Kazakhs and ethnodeformational mobilization


  • Roza YESBALAYEVA Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University


Kazakh‘s antroponim, the concept of naming, name investigation, ethnodeformation, ethnodeformation mobilization


The article will consider the history and problems of studying Kazakh names. The author identified the official and unofficial forms of naming among the Kazakhs. The historical nature of the name, traditions and innovations among the Turkic peoples is a study of the formal search for the name among the Kazakhs. Also in this article, the concept of a traditional name is proposed and classified. This article distinguishes the types and features from the point of view of the national tradition of inventing new names for the relatives of the husband by the daughter-in-law. The author analyzed the state of ethnodeformational mobilization of names, scientifically substantiated the connection of the Kazakh name with ethnocognitive concepts. The article analyzes the historical names of such people as Abylai Khan, Kyzybek bi, Kabanbai, Bogenbai, Abai, Chokan, Saken, Baluan Sholak, Zhayau Musa, etc., preserved in the memory of the people through the phenomenon of transonymization. The ethnocognitive features of customs and beliefs in the process of naming the Kazakh people are confirmed by scientific data. In the article, the author grouped Kazakh names in several directions, based on the opinions of scientists, depending on their function and structure in society and in everyday life. The ethnocognitive features of names in accordance with national traditions are analyzed in detail and presented to the scientific community. In the future, it is planned to expand this project and present the ontology of names to science. The article creates and presents a collection of allegorical personal names, since the Kazakh people change their names depending on their behavior and meaning.

Author Biography

Roza YESBALAYEVA, Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University

Researcher,  Institute of Turkology


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How to Cite

YESBALAYEVA Р. . (2021). The concept of traditional naming among Kazakhs and ethnodeformational mobilization. Turkology, 108(4), 126–144. Retrieved from




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