Literary Analysis of Sharof Boshbekov‟s Comedy «The Iron Woman»


  • Yerlan ZHIYENBAYEV Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University
  • Shakhida JUMABAYEVA Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University


Uzbek literature, the role of women in the family, comedy genre, reality, text analysis.


Sharof Boshbekov, a unique writer, played an important role in the development of Uzbek drama in the 1980s. It is obvious that realism prevails in his plays. In the writer's works, the flaws of society are implied by humorous descriptions. His dramatic works depict the events and phenomena of that time, and not the depths of history. His works also critically describe the life of villagers and peasants. In this study, we analyzed Sharof Boshbekov's comedy “The Iron Woman” using the modern method of text analysis, which is widely used today in Turkish literature, and tried to determine the literary value of the text and the views of the writer. The analysis of the text covers the political and cultural landscape of Uzbekistan in the 1980-1990, the structure of the text, the relationship between the concepts of character, time and space. In addition, the language features and writing style of the work have been clarified.

Author Biographies

Yerlan ZHIYENBAYEV, Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University

PhD, Faculty of Philology Department of Turkish Philology

Shakhida JUMABAYEVA, Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University

PhD student,  Faculty of Letters, Department of Turkish Language and Literature


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How to Cite

ZHIYENBAYEV, Y., & JUMABAYEVA, S. . (2021). Literary Analysis of Sharof Boshbekov‟s Comedy «The Iron Woman». Turkology, 107(3), 44–56. Retrieved from


