Self Perception of the Heroes in the Stories of Vüs’at O. Bener, Published in Varlık Magazine


  • N. 3.Karakaya Bulent Ecevit University


self-perception, hero, Vüs'at O. Bener, social problems, small story, Chekhov style


Vüs‟at O. Bener is one of our writers who wrote short stories between 1952-1957 in Varlık magazine, which has been successfully publishing since 1933. Bener published six stories in the magazine Varlık during that period. These stories are cross-sectional stories that address the same social problems at other social realistic writers of the period. All the features of Chekhov style can be seen in these stories, which are examples of the transition to a modern story in our literature. Besides these characteristics, the main feature of their characters is that they are individuals whose “self-perception” cannot be completed. The sef-perception is limited to the findings reflected from the outside in these individuals who see themselves as marginalized. This pscyhological situation, in which been appreciated depends on approval and other individuals, can be matched with the search of today‟s people in the media and in the virtual world. The efforts of Bener's heroes to be perceived as complete or perfect by others by trying to reflect a life flawlessly shown only with certain frames as if it "existed" is an indication of the same emptiness that has existed from past to present.

Author Biography

N. 3.Karakaya, Bulent Ecevit University

Dr., lecturer


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How to Cite

3.Karakaya, N. (2021). Self Perception of the Heroes in the Stories of Vüs’at O. Bener, Published in Varlık Magazine. Turkology, 105(1), 9–27. Retrieved from


