Kurmaca Metinlerde Bir Kaynak Olarak Kolektif/Geleneksel Anlatı


  • Tolga BAYINDIR Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University/University of Kocaeli


Novel, Traditional, Collective, Narrative, Thematic.


Before writing, there has been the oral. This orality is a collective narrative that enables the individual living in the society to comply with the rules and rituals. Trying to stay within the obvious patterns, people begin to question their environment and the universe with the concept of "mind". As he asks questions about existence, life, death and even after death, he finds answers to the unknown that he encounters according to the cultural values he has created. These answers have the purpose of keeping the mind at a “normal” level. Because man needs a power that controls the order around him. The gods of the sun-sea-fire, immortals, demigod- half-human characters struggle for problems that ordinary people cannot solve. The magical properties of princesses, the virtuous powers of kings, the courage of a hero fight against evil. The text comes later. Collective narratives that define social boundaries can now be recorded. In this process, the dominance of the mind rises rapidly and begins to solve what it sees around it in its own limitations. As the problems of ordinary people replace the "adult/limitless" beings and "utopian" spaces in the narratives, the space also becomes familiar. When the machines produced by the mind in the industrialization process begin to make people ordinary, a "new search" is needed. Words are added to the text. The collective narrative that takes its place in the social memory begins to show itself this time through fictional texts. The novel, which is quite new according to oral narration, returns to its old source. The aim of this study is to provide an explanation for the underlying elements of the surreal, fantastic and science fiction concepts that are frequently encountered in recent novels.

Author Biography

Tolga BAYINDIR, Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University/University of Kocaeli



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How to Cite

BAYINDIR, T. . (2021). Kurmaca Metinlerde Bir Kaynak Olarak Kolektif/Geleneksel Anlatı. Turkology, 107(3), 9–18. Retrieved from https://journals.ayu.edu.kz/index.php/turkology/article/view/20


