

national culture, genealogy, historical data, spiritual knowledge, spiritual treasure


The article analyzes the genealogy, which is recognized as one of the characteristics of the culture of the people. The study considers the recognition of genealogies as historical data, providing information from the pages of history. After all, when analyzing our past history, it becomes clear the role of genealogical data in historical science, the recognition of written data as one of the national values, the role of national history in the recognition of national history. The so-called main indicators of the cultural heritage of genealogies, unique in the history of the development of mankind, and its national character, genres and important versions are determined. When analyzing genealogical names, the shortcomings of genealogists of recent years, and their causes, are also mentioned. However, it is specified that the greatest example of genealogy is spiritual food, as well as important written data. And the analysis is devoted to periods related to genealogy, including the works of the Middle Ages, data reflected in traditional written sources. In short, it is based on the system of genealogy, which is one of the aspects of the steppe culture. The analysis of the topic includes the relationship of historical, logical and national knowledge, widely used in the humanities and philosophical knowledge, the transition from the historical to the abstract to the real. The need for research in terms of branches like history, language, literature, ethnography, etc. connection with this study of genealogy is based on one of the characteristics of national culture.

Author Biography

Nurlan MANSUROV, Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University



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How to Cite

MANSUROV Н. (2022). GENEALOGY AS A FEATURE OF NATIONAL CULTURE. Turkology, 112(4), 190–204. Retrieved from




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