

Táltos, Bull, Struggle, Shaman, Metamorphosis


Taking an animal form, which is called “don değiştirme (metamorphosis) in Turkish Traditional Turkish believes and/or Shamanism also appears as an important phenomenon in Fin-Ugric and Eurasian shamanism. “Don değiştirme” covers a special place in many places around the world under the name of shape-shifting or metamorphosis as well as it is a very common belief seen in many legends and narrations related to Shamanism.  These phenomena contain national features as well as universal ones. This phenomenon, which is called “don değiştirme” in Turk – Altay Shamanism, has also appeared in the traditional religion of Hungarians who had lived together with Turks for centuries. In this study, the motif of Táltos struggles which has taken place in forms of mostly bulls or flames, that appears in witch trials and folkloric records will be analysed, and some examples of those records will be presented. The aim of this study is to form a connection point for comparisons between Hungarian Táltos and Eurasian-Turkish Shamanism.

Author Biography

Metehan AYDIN, Ankara University

PhD Student


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How to Cite

AYDIN, M. . (2022). THE TÁLTOS STRUGGLE IN HUNGARIAN DOCUMENTS. Turkology, 112(4), 135–167. Retrieved from


