

Kazakh comedy, dialogue-comedy, stable coordinating factors, genesis of Kazakh comedy, genres of dialogue-comedy


The article deals with the study of Kazakh comedy. A scientific analysis is carried out on the basis of the research of the scientist Zhumabay Abilov regarding the genesis and genre features of the Kazakh comedy. As the history of the emergence of comedy recedes into antiquity, the history of the study of Kazakh comedy continues to fade. In the literature of any country, there is a tendency to study the genre of comedy in written literature, and types of comedy in oral literature are not taken into account. Perhaps that is why until that time we knew only such types of Kazakh comedy as "Satirical Comedy" and "Lyrical Comedy". And Zhumabay Abilov, who studied Kazakh comedy in close connection with folklore, introduced the previously unused genre of “dialogue-comedy” into literary circulation.

Every country, every nation has its own satire. The systematization of the forms of oral satire, called folk comedy, and its scientific tracking require a comprehensive study. The article presents examples of oral creativity, which is the beginning of our national literature, in the Kazakh folk theater, and conclusions about stable coordinating factors from the research work of the scientist Zhumabay Abilov "Kazakh Comedy". The study and classification of the genre of dialogue-comedy has a scientific basis.

Author Biographies

Roza YESBALAYEVA, Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University


Sholpan KUDAIBERGENOVA , Department of Human Development of the Turkestan region



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How to Cite

YESBALAYEVA Р. ., & KUDAIBERGENOVA Ш. . (2022). ZHUMABAY ABILOV AND GENESIS AND THE GENRE STUDY OF THE KAZAKH COMEDY. Turkology, 111(3), 48–65. Retrieved from https://journals.ayu.edu.kz/index.php/turkology/article/view/1327


