About the Journal

The decision on periodical publishing of Turkology journal was issued at the First International Turkology Congress held between 9-12, October 2002, at Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University (№3200-Ж. 07.09.2002). The journal has been continuously published once a couple of months (6 times a year). Turkology journal has been registered in the periodical press ISSN (ISSN 1727-060X) in Paris since May 2003, and in information agency of the Committee for Communication, Informatization and Information of the Ministry of Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Certificate No. 55-97-F 18.200.2005). Registered on 15, June  2019 with the International Serials Registration Center (ISSN: 2664-3162 (online).

The journal "Turkology", which is published 4 times a year since January 2021, is published at the end of March, June, September and December. The electronic version is posted on the journal's website.

Subscription index No. 75706. An agreement was concluded with Kazpost JSC - No. 10000041-2020-90539.