Religious Knowledge of Abai
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Abai, truth, Abai's heritage, religious knowledge, history of Abai's cognitionAbstract
Recognition of the heritage of Abai from the point of view of Islamic theology and philosophy, the Muslim and civilizational nature of the Kazakh people is a very urgent issue. It is important to reveal the place and role of Abai's heritage in order to give a scientific and historical assessment of the traces of modern Kazakh religious knowledge and religious experience. Therefore, a holistic consideration of the concepts and categorical complex in the works of Abai and its differentiation with systemic historical and philosophical forms make it possible to recognize his existential and religious and civilizational appearance. The article examines the opinion of mankind against those who want to explain the general views of Abai with the templates of existentialist philosophy, referring to well-known representatives of an important layer about being in the history of thought. In his review of the history of philosophy, as well as in the question of what essence is, Abai stressed the importance of the truth underlying the definition of love as a single meaning.
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