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Kazakh intelligentsia, historical memory, repression, education system, nationalization.


The article is devoted to the study of the history of repression of the Kazakh intelligentsia in the educational system in the 1920s and 30s. A new look at the level of his historiographical study and sources of facts defines the main purpose of this article. This policy in this period is especially cruelly expressed in the form of a campaign with the intervention of a superficial, hasty policy of repression on the part of individuals in the education system.

We all know that since our country gained sovereignty, intensive research has been conducted on various areas of the history of the Fatherland. However, there are topics that have not yet become the subject of research, waiting for their turn. One of them is the activity, fate, and history of repressed persons in the education system. Based on the principles of "there is no future without the past" or "from history", we must look for the causes and consequences of all phenomena in the life of society in the history of the past. One of the main conditions for preserving the historical consciousness of a nation as a nation in the context of the deepening globalization process is the presence of a genuine and informative written history written on a scientific and theoretical basis. After all, history is the memory of a nation. Only a history written both systematically and objectively, if possible on a scientific basis, can carry a historical memory that preserves the nationality of the KL. Only from a history written on a scientific and theoretical basis does a nation draw knowledge from its past and draw lessons from it from the future.

Author Biographies

Nazgul Kattabekova, Khoja Akhmet Yassavi Internatinal Kazakh-Turkish University

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Assist. Professor

Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International

Kazakh-Turkish University

(Тurkistan, Kazakhstan)

Shynar Nurmanova, Khoja Akhmet Yassavi Internatinal Kazakh-Turkish University

Senior lecturer, Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International

Kazakh-Turkish University

(Тurkistan, Kazakhstan)

