Investigation of the structure and properties of highly damped alloys of the Cu-Mn system
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Anahtar Kelimeler:
copper, manganese, alloy, structure and properties of alloys, damping ability, relative wear resistance.Özet
Currently, there is a rapid development of technology, an increase in speed and an increase in the power of machinery and equipment. This leads to an increase in harmful noise and vibration, which negatively affects working conditions. One of the highly effective ways to reduce harmful noise and vibration is the use of damping materials. Alloys of the manganese-copper system belong to this group of materials. In some cases, this method is the only possible noise reduction method. Therefore, the development and study of new materials, the provision of new opportunities, their application is relevant.
In the course of the study, methods of X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy, tests for the wear resistance of the material under unsteady friction, the method of homogenization, methods of microstructure research were used.
It has been found that in quaternary alloys of the Mn-Cu-Ni-Al system, the effect of nickel slowing down the decomposition processes can be balanced with aluminum in a nickel-aluminum ratio of 2:1. It is known that the formation of the Ni-Al phase can further strengthen the alloy. The obtained results of tests on the wear resistance of the zirconium-doped alloy provided the basis for further research in the development of new Mn-Cu-based alloys.
Before and after heat treatment, the alloy structure was studied, the chemical composition was determined, hardness and microhardness were measured, and the coefficient of wear resistance was determined. The results can be used to determine the direction of further development in the field of structural materials.
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