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This article discusses the issues on which, due to the lack of electricity, it is currently possible to achieve more economical and without prejudice to the production of an energy source, at no extra cost. The research used the methods of mathematical analysis, comparison, modeling. The conditions for increasing the efficiency of wind turbines using the methods of mathematical analysis are determined. In addition, the process of converting the created small versions into large objects was implemented. Also, to achieve a high level of results, the average wind speed in all regions of Kazakhstan was considered. A method for analyzing a computer model of the ANSYS wind turbine operation and calculating the flow rate, calculating the main aerodynamic forces and moments arising in a single-rotor and two-rotor wind turbine during blowing with a wind flow in a software package are proposed. Variants of small and medium-sized wind power plants are proposed. It has been established that it is economically profitable to install wind power plants with a capacity of 5 kW (low wind power) on the territory of Kazakhstan. The problems of wind energy in Kazakhstan are considered and, accordingly, the prospects for the use of wind energy are determined. An analysis of the feasibility of using wind power plants in Kazakhstan was also carried out.
The results of scientific research, like other types of renewable energy sources in our country, can have an impact on attracting investment in development and attracting more attention to wind energy.
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