Computer modeling of physical phenomena
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teaching methods, computer modeling, training experiments in physics, speed, acceleration, free fall acceleration.Abstract
This article presents aspects of the use of Information Technology in physics lessons, in particular, the work of students with computer models. This work helps to increase students ' interest in studying the subject and the level of thinking.
Topic relevance the use of computer models of various physical processes and phenomena contributes to the effectiveness of teaching physics to students, allowing them to understand the mechanisms of physical phenomena, often invisible to the human eye, and in some cases impractical and impossible in life.
In order to identify the advantages of computer modeling, studies were conducted on two groups of 9th grade students (Control and experimental), their general understanding in the use of computer modeling was studied, and the role of computer modeling in understanding the concepts of speed and acceleration in body movement was determined. The two groups were applied the same traditional type of training on this topic, and the peculiarity was that the experimental group used computer simulations as a complement.
Based on the results presented in the studies, it is shown that students working with the help of computer modeling scored significantly higher scores in their tasks. After analyzing the results, it is confirmed that computer modeling can be used as an additional teaching tool that helps to increase the level of thinking of students, as well as to develop systemic ideas about phenomena in physics. In the course of research using modeling, on average, 6 out of 10 students achieved good results. The importance of teaching using computer models, organizing the student's interaction with the model to participate in active research activities is revealed. It was also found that computer models can be used both in distance learning and in traditional learning, including with network support.
The result of the research is that the training of physics teachers in computer modeling can be used internationally in the training of future physics teachers, enhancing their intellectual abilities, contributing to the performance of mental operations and the development of intelligence in general.
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