Investigation of the effect of heat treatment on the damping properties of Fe-Mn-based alloys and simulation in the COMSOL Multiphisics program
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Heat treatment, Fe-Mn alloy, damping properties, simulation model, shape memory effect, dissipative properties, stress tensor.Abstract
To date, one of the most important problems of industrial production is the reduction of noise and vibration. To solve this problem, alloys are subjected to various treatments to increase damping properties. This article deals with the effect of heat treatment on the damping properties of Fe-Mn-based alloys. One of the main advantages of heat treatment is an increase in the wear resistance of materials and alloys. The workpieces are subjected to heat treatment if it is necessary to obtain other physical and chemical properties of the materials. The finite element method was used in the research on the topic. The finite element method is based on the application of a continuous function. It turns out that the method consists in dividing the plot into many elements, calculating each of the elements, thereby increasing the accuracy of the calculation.
As a result of the research, an alloy based on Fe-Mn with higher damping properties was obtained. A comparison of standard steel with a sample was carried out. And also a simulation model was provided on the Comsol Multiphisics program. There was definitely a stress-strain state of the samples. The results of scientific research can be used in the field of mechanical engineering.
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