Korkut Ata Kitabındaki Eski İnançların Tezahürleri

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  • K.S. Kalybekova Karaganda Technical University named after A. Saginov
  • О. Soylemez2 Kastamonu University
  • A.D. Bekkulova Karaganda Technical University named after A. Saginov

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Korkyt, faith, being, plot, epic, customs, folklore.


The article specifically examines the ancient beliefs of the Oguz tribes and the mythical elements of the ancient Turkic peoples, reflected in the songs “The Book of Korkyt Ata”, and ancient plots born in connection with shamanic beliefs. In addition, the Book of Korkyt Ata tells about the worldview of the early time and the ideology of the late epoch, about the combination of shamanic consciousness and Islamic understanding, which manifests itself in a holistic and complex syncretic form. It is also said that in the motifs of the mythical melodies in the “The Book of Korkyt Ata” one can find individual samples that do not have similarities. The word about the good preservation of the beliefs of the Turkic peoples and mythical ideas about the creation of the world is touched upon.
When writing the article, research papers were considered, which cited the analyses and conclusions of well known scientific thinkers. The object of the study is the fact that, although the book got into writing during the period of adoption of Islamic values, the old beliefs have not undergone much change. It is known that the heritage of Korkyt Ata is a valuable asset of culture, literature and history. In addition, some data about Korkyt are also not true, which still needs to be studied. The article says that this is one of the topics that does not lose its relevance.



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