Modeling of the Process of Formative Evaluation of Metasubject Results in the System of Basic General Education

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  • С.Т. Aytbayev The East Kazakhstan University named after S. Amanzholov
  • A.D. Maimatayeva Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University

Anahtar Kelimeler:

metasubject, modeling, formation, method, competence, reflection, communication


This article examines the application of the principles of a convergent approach to teaching subjects of natural science and socio-humanitarian cycles within the framework of the subject-content block as a separate structural link of the formative assessment model that forms the meta-subject results of schoolchildren. Communicative-normative universal educational activity of formative assessment, including teamwork, information literacy skills, willingness to work with different types of information, etc. It is described as a convergent educational technology that acts as a key development tool. It is based on the integration of learning strategies, didactic methods and evaluation procedures in order to form a wide range of competencies among schoolchildren, primarily meta-disciplines. The procedural block of the proposed pedagogical model is a formative assessment of the results of meta-subject education as a step-by-step dynamic process. It includes a number of successive stages: primary diagnostics of students' educational achievements through formative assessment; formation of students' metasubject results based on the convergence of evaluative and didactic technologies aimed at the development of universal learning activities, metacognitive skills, information skills, mastery of interdisciplinary concepts; systematic monitoring of students' achievements at different stages of the educational process. Step-by-step analysis of the achieved results ensures effective further adjustment and forecasting of individual progress, taking into account the needs and interests of the individual. The main concept in the model of formative assessment of metasubject results of schoolchildren developed by us is the concept of «convergence» and in the model of formative assessment of metasubject results of primary school students, the subject-content block is allocated as a separate structural link, within which the application of the principles of a convergent approach to teaching subject disciplines of the natural science cycle is provided.



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