Comparative Pedagogical Analysis of the System of Higher Education in Kazakhstan and Turkey

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  • Z. Alptekin M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University
  • K.A. Zholdasbekova M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University
  • D. Eshenkulova Miras University


higher education, comparative pedagogy, higher education in Kazakhstan, education in Turkey, Bologna process, comparative analysis.


A comparative pedagogical analysis of the higher education system of Turkey and Kazakhstan was carried out. The similarity of transformational components in the structure of the higher education system of these countries was carefully observed. In these countries, the higher education system consists of 3 main degrees: Bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees. The study conditions are similar. Due to the uniqueness of each system, there are many unique components in the Kazakh education system. The essence of the formation of these countries is the way of development, the implementation of the plan, the recognition of progress and the creation of an ideal future. The main focus is that these countries need professionally trained and qualified professionals, as they need to develop their economy.

If we consider the education system of developed countries, then we can conclude that this system is a fully decommunized multi-stage, including the post-graduate sphere of Education, which has differences in the individual of direct contact between these stages.

Conducting a comparative analysis of the educational systems of different countries, the problem of decommunization of the relationship between attracting significant investments in higher education and subsequent results is considered.

As a result of the analysis of regulatory legal acts and scientific literature, strategies for improving higher education in the international education system were identified.The features of the higher education system of Kazakhstan were identified, the main trends and principles of its improvement were identified.The stages of formation and development of the Turkish higher education system were identified and compared.


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