Methods and Techniques of Formation of National Values among Students through Interviews

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  • B. Akmagambetova L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University
  • G. Sarseke L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University


interview, national value, creative skills, didactic conditions.


The article is devoted to the relevant issue of the modern education system - the methodological possibilities for forming national values among students. In the introduction, the author justifies the importance of national education within the framework of educational policy. In the section “Research Methods and Materials,” the authors conclude that the national characteristics of the Kazakh people are reflected in the behavior of women and men, their relationships with each other, and consider the points of view of scientists from research conducted in this direction. These views subsequently served as the basis for the selection of resources and tasks for experimental elective classes. The authors examined the updated educational program and classified educational goals, identifying the interview as a learning resource. Under these goals, they developed and presented special tasks for experimental classes conducted as electives. Based on the needs and interests of modern youth, methods and techniques, as well as categories of resources, were selected. The authors made their choice and recommended using interviews as a resource that promotes the development of national values among students by subject and content. The content of the selected interviews fully illustrates such values as modesty, humility, kindness, respect for elders, patriotism, and family values, which reflect the national characteristics of the Kazakh people. The tasks presented for the analysis of interviews are aimed not only at identifying and perceiving these values but also at encouraging their in-depth analysis and comprehension. At the same time, the interview approach supports the development of students' independent thinking, creative skills, and practical abilities.

Based on their reflections from experimental lessons, the researchers present concrete results and, summarizing the study, reveal the methodological conditions for the development of national values among students through interviews.

In the section “Results and Discussion”, the authors propose criteria for measuring pre-planned results. According to these criteria, the results of elective classes on the topic “Development of National Values among Students through Interviews” are analyzed.

In conclusion, they define didactic conditions that allow for the formation of national values through interviews.


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