The Moral Potential of Kazakh Didactic Works in the Process of Forming a Moral Personality

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  • G.A. Belgibayeva Shymkent University
  • N.A. Seitkulov Shymkent University
  • D.M. Dauletalieva Central Asian Innovation University


folklore, moral education, fairy tales, proverbs, sayings, pedagogical process, didactics.


The main purpose of this article is to identify and substantiate the moral potential of Kazakh didactic works that contribute to the moral education of primary school students. In the literature of the Kazakh people, the functions of didactic works are considered from the point of view of educational, artistic and aesthetic features: humanistic; cognitive; aesthetic; informational; governing and guiding. The education of morality and humanity has a wide range, the content of which includes many qualities such as respect for elders, recognition of their authority, respect for workers, caring for elders and juniors, honesty, modesty, determination, truthfulness, determination, activity, courage, perseverance, restraint, organization, which lead to great the heights of humanity. Children acquire such qualities at an early age from fairy tales and heroic epics, and in adulthood from literary works of art.

The relevance of the research lies in the need to appeal to the values of traditional pedagogical culture in order to concretize the moral guidelines for the education of schoolchildren. The author of the article analyzes the current state of the problem and identifies the theoretical foundations of moral education of elementary school students by means of Kazakh didactic works and reveals their moral potential. The author analyzed scientific publications aimed at studying the concept of “moral education” and its aspects in pedagogical science. The authors analyze the educational functions of didactic works. As a result of the moral education of elementary school students by means of Kazakh didactic works, there is a purposeful, continuous and consistent, pedagogically organized process of mastering the values of folklore that ensure the moral formation of elementary school students.


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