From cyberspace to society: exploring the phenomenon of the chinese internet language
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Chinese, Internet language, Internet buzzwords, social media, social culture, social psychology, language attitude.Abstract
. This study aims to explore the development and influencing factors of Chinese
Internet language. With the continuous development of information technology, the Internet is
changing the way media outlets, influencing social media and online environments, and further
shaping Chinese Internet language. The author utilizes literature review and descriptive research
method to summarize the transformation of Chinese Internet users from passive audiences to active
participants, as well as the positive role of the Chinese Internet environment in shaping Internet
language. Furthermore, the author emphasizes the diversity and creativity of Chinese Internet
language and how it caters to the sociocultural needs, enriching the culture of Chinese society.
Through a questionnaire survey of more than 50 Chinese students' use of Chinese social media and
Internet buzzwords, the study demonstrates the significant role of Internet language in the evolution
of Chinese society, contributing a unique linguistic and cultural wealth to the future development of
China. This research can offer valuable insights into the role of Internet language in expressing
social and cultural sentiments, can contribute to a deeper understanding of how language adapts and
transforms within the context of online communication.
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