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Dramatic Action, Balkan Tragedy, Seven Torchbearers (Yedi meĢaleciler), Kenan Hulusi Koray, OsmanoflarAbstract
Kenan Hulusi Koray (1906-1943), a member of Yedi MeĢaleciler (which means Seven Torchbearers) community, is known for his stories with a mystical atmosphere dominated by exoticism, horror and fantastical elements. Osmanoflar, the author's only published novel, focuses on the events that took place just before the Balkan tragedy. In the novel, the causes of the tragedy experienced in the process of separating the Balkan lands, which had been under the Ottoman rule for nearly six hundred years, have been discussed. The novel, in which descriptions and character analyses are intensely included, presents a section of the life of the Osmanof family, who lived in Karnabad, Bulgaria for two centuries and were the ruler of the city. While there is an opportunity to continue as a serial as Nehir novel, the novel ends at the beginning of the event due to the spread of thematic fiction over a wide period of time. It reveals the negative effects of the revolts in the Balkans, which accelerated and resulted in a great rupture, on a Turkish family representing the state and its authority in the region. The dramatic action, which is one of the main components of the novel, is fed by the conflict elements in the fiction based on the contrasts. Dramatic action is classified as ideal value and counter value under three headings as concept, person and symbol. In this study, the novel Osmanoflar will be examined on the basis of the values that provide the plot and conflict in the novel, and the thematic fiction of the novel will be analyzed.
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