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Folklore, Myth, Animation, Spiritual Values, Culture, National Ġdentity.Abstract
Folklore is the study of human life. The legends, folk songs, jokes, proverbs, and even curses of this ancient industry symbolize love, respect, peace, tranquility, faith, unity, and solidarity for mankind. The most beautiful example of love for the motherland, the nation and moral values is hidden in folklore. In short, to get information about the history of culture, it is necessary to study the cultural heritage of the people. It is the task of folklore to pass them on to the next generation. In order to revive this cultural heritage, it is necessary to study, analyze them and discover the old and new elements. Thus, there will be developments and changes in various issues related to our culture. At the same time, the growth of self-aware, mature and educated people will be ensured. It is obvious that a person who does not understand the past and spiritual values of his nation will not be useful to his homeland. The article aims to revive folklore today, especially by combining it with popular culture. In the midst of advanced technology and high-speed Internet, it is important to develop the own culture of young people who are beginning to forget their ancestors. In this regard, our article analyzes the mentality, structure, theme, language and appearance of the cartoon Muzbalak as an example and identifies its contribution to the revival of national folklore.
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