Continuity in the work of Abai and Lermontov

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  • G.K. Aliphan Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University


M.Y. Lermontov, Abai,


The content of the article is based on the poem "Duma" by M.Y. Lermontov. It occupies a special place in the poet's work. "Duma" is a work with a deep and rich content, reflecting the thoughts of the poet, concerned about the future of his generation. Abai translated this poem into the Kazakh language. This article examines the problem of the creative continuity of the two poets, associated with the translation of the "Duma" into the Kazakh language and its ideological and thematic content. M.Y. Lermontov was never satisfied with the current social situation and the people he was surrounded with. He was too sophisticated and innovative poet for his time. He was deeply anxious about present and future of the Russian society. “The thought” is a work with profound meaning as a result of his criticism. Just as M.Y. Lermontov Abay mercilessly criticized inadequacies of his living time. Abay tried to remedy people and their morality with his humanistic philosophy. The article depicts common ideas and philosophy of the both poets on the basis of contents and translation of one poem.

Author Biography

G.K. Aliphan, Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University

Senior Lecturer


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How to Cite

Aliphan Г. . (2020). Continuity in the work of Abai and Lermontov. Turkology, 104(6), 78–90. Retrieved from


