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Chagatai dialect, Comparison, Terminological lexicon, Dictionary, the main word, Explanation, Turkic languagesAbstract
Turkish dictionaries are kept as rare relics in the libraries of our country and abroad. Most of them are unique and ancient copies. Dictionaries have always attracted the attention of Turkologists and lexicologists.
In this article is given the analysis of “Comparative dictionary of Turkic-Tatar dialects” (“Сравнительный словарь турецко-татарских наречий”) by Lazar Zaharovich Budagov, its classification method, components and statistics of Chagatai (old Uzbek literary language) lexemes included in the dictionary. The statistical analysis was carried out in terms of lexemes of Chagatai dialect becoming the main word and taking place as a Chagatai variant of the word being explained in the dictionary article. In the process of analysis studies have been carried out by dividing Chagatai lexemes into categories. The results of the statistical analysis of word groups show that the dictionary includes the most nouns, adjectives, and verb word groups. The results of the conducted research have been presented in tables and diagrams to create a certain idea. In the dictionary of L. Budagov, lexemes related to the languages and dialects of the peoples of Central Asia are explained in detail. The inclusion of not only literary lexemes in the dictionary, but also the lexicon of dialects made it easier to communicate with the local people.
In the process of interpretation, lexemes are explained semantically and etymologically based on the examples from the works of Nava’i, Babur, Abu al-Ghazi Bahadur, Rabguzi, referring to the literary literature of the same people.
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