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Only “ORIGINAL RESEARCH AND REVIEW ARTICLES” related to studies in the field of Ecology, Environmental Chemistry, Environmental Engineering, Waste Management and Disposal and Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment are published in the “International Journal of Environmental Science and Green Technology (IJES & GreenTech)”.
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- Title: The Title should be written in accordance with the purpose and scope and should not exceed 20 words.
- Abstract: This is the section where the purpose, the method(s) used, the findings obtained, the results and evaluations are briefly stated. It should not exceed 350 words and 2600 characters including spaces. It should be written in 9pt with single space between the lines.
- Keywords: The phrases that will make it easier to find the article. It can consist of a Minimum of Three (3) Maximum of Six (5) words or phrases.
- Introduction: Should be aimed to present the basic information about the study to the reader. Previous studies on the subject should be included (literature research) and citation/reference (APA) should be used. Purpose and Scope should be explained, Method names should be written, and lastly, should contain information about the Originality and Importance of the study.
- Material and Method: Provides the reader with the introduction of the materials that are the basis of the study, defining the method and how the methods used are applied. The material and method information given in the INTRODUCTION section should be presented together with the up to date literature in this section. If the study is done with a new material or method, this method and material should be conveyed to the reader in detail. The fact that the findings of the study can be retrieved later will be possible by correctly transferring the material and method information to the reader.
- Results and Discussion: The purpose of the RESULTS section is only to present the information/data/output from your study to the reader. In this section, the information given in the MATERIALS AND METHODS section should not be given again, only the values obtained with the material and method used should be presented as FIGURE/TABLE/TEXT. Results should be presented in a logical order, in order of importance regardless of the order of the experiment. The same findings should not be presented in both figures and tables at the same time, the findings presented in figures and/or tables should not be repeated in the text, only the most important ones should be mentioned in the text. The purpose of the DISCUSSION section is to compare the findings with other data in the literature. The relationship between the results obtained in the study and the results obtained from previous studies must be explained with citations (APA). The main purpose of the discussion is to show the possible shortcomings of the method by presenting the findings, to compare the findings with other scientific publications and to question what the new findings mean. Unexpected findings should definitely be included in the discussion section, and the results should be clearly stated.
- Conclusion: The data that is wanted to be emphasized/specified should be highlighted. The using of the findings obtained from the study and suggestions (if any) should also be written.
- Author Contributions: For multi-authored research articles, a statement indicating the individual contributions of the authors should be included. For this, the following statements should be used “Conceptualization, A.A. and B.B.; methodology, A.A.; fieldwork, A.A.; software, A.A.; title, A.A., B.B. and C.C.; validation, A.A., B.B. and C.C.; laboratory work, A.A., B.B. and C.C.; formal analysis, A.A.; research, A.A.; sources, A.A.; data curation, A.A.; manuscript-original draft, A.A.; manuscript-review and editing, A.A.; visualization, A.A.; supervision, A.A.; project management, A.A.; funding, B.B. All authors have read and legally accepted the final version of the article published in the journal.” Authorship should be limited to those who contributed significantly to the article.
- Acknowledgement (if any): In the process of study, people, institutions, organizations, etc. all kinds of help received from places can be included. Apart from this, any financial support such as scholarship, project, research support should be thanked by stating the full name and place of the support (with numbers, if any).
- Conflict of Interest: It should clearly state all the circumstances that may lead to any financial interest or bias towards direct academic competition, directly or indirectly, arising from the findings, results or opinions and statements expressed in the relevant study. If there is no conflict of interest, “The authors declare no conflict of interest.” text can be used.
- References: At least five (5) different up to date articles from the last five (5) years on the subject of the article should be given as references. It is optional to include in your article references to previous publications published in this journal. All of the scientific book/journal/web page/visual and written materials used in the realization of the study should be specified. All authors in the article are responsible for the full and complete use of the resources they use for their work. APA format should be adhered to in citation; author names, publication year, article title/chapter title in the book, journal/book, volume/issue and page number information should be given completely in the references and DOI numbers should be added.
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