Improving the Teaching of Geometric Construction Problems in the Process of Training Future Mathematics Teachers
158 144
Anahtar Kelimeler:
geometry, construction problems, «Living Geometry», experimental work, future teacher of mathematics, computer technology.Özet
The article examines the problem of improving the teaching of geometric construction problems using information and communication technology (ICT) tools in the process of training future mathematics teachers at pedagogical universities. During the clarifying experiment, methodological problems in teaching geometric construction problems were identified, and as one of the ways to solve them, the need for methodological training of future mathematics teachers to use applied information and computer resources in teaching geometric construction problems was based. Analysis of information and computer technologies and programs intended for use in teaching geometry courses was performed, and the effectiveness of using the “Live Geometry” program in creating geometric construction problems was shown. Learners are more interested in geometry and construction problems, and can save all work in electronic format for future use. While studying the topic, the tools in the program will help to draw figures and use these figures in solving problems, formulate the properties of geometric figures, and use them to model geometric bodies.
In the given article, the authors analyzed the state programs and concepts, the works of domestic and foreign scientists, and the results of an online survey and interviews with students. 54 students of the mathematics education program were involved in a pedagogical experiment, and the results were shown in detail. As the results of the experiment show, after using the “Living Geometry” program in the lesson, students were recognized from a certain personal subjective point of view, which regulates their cognitive and practical activities, and an increase in theoretical knowledge and practical skills was determined. It has been proven by mathematical and statistical methods that the use of the “Living Geometry” program in the teaching of structural problems allows effective and efficient organization of education and increases the methodological training of future mathematics teachers.
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