Features of Preparing Future Mathematics Teachers for the Implementation of Logical Tasks

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  • Ibragimov R. South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University
  • Kalimbetov B. M. Auezov South-Kazakhstan University
  • Khabibullaev Zh. M. Auezov South-Kazakhstan University


logical thinking, logical training, future mathematics teacher, logical operation, elements of mathematical logic, development.


This article describes the types of logical tasks in Mathematics textbooks of the main school according to the updated program and the characteristic features of the methodological training of future mathematics teachers in their implementation. The issue of preparing students for the implementation of logical tasks is considered. Methods and techniques for improving the logical thinking of students studying in the specialty of a mathematics teacher are outlined. The main task of teaching mathematics is the development of logical thinking and logical training of students. Accounting in the ability to think logically, along with the interest of a student who comes to school, is the main task of a mathematics teacher. Therefore, it is necessary to train future teachers of mathematics as young specialists capable of developing logical literacy of students using effective teaching technologies. This leads to the need to increase the requirements for the quality of teaching students in general schools and, accordingly, the quality of training of future teachers in pedagogical universities. However, only supplementing the process of training students with new content, increasing the amount of knowledge communicated to students is not able to solve the task of raising the quality of teacher training to the level of modern requirements. The solution to this problem, in our opinion, lies in the systematization of fundamental training of future teachers, should be logical training that allows students to be confident in critical thinking, analysis, reasoning and reasoning, maintain and justify their point of view.


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