Показатели оценки производительности учебного процесса

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  • Ж. Абдиева Международный казахско-турецкий университет имени Ходжи Ахмеда Ясави
  • Б.Т. Ортаев Международный университет туризма и гостеприимства
  • А.И. Исаев Международный университет туризма и гостеприимства

Ключевые слова:

обучение, процесс обучения, продуктивность, оценка, продуктивность учебного процесса, показатели оценки продуктивности.


The educational process and its productivity are considered an issue of interest to teachers. Many studies indicate that the learning process should be considered according to the components of the action process, including: motivational, operational, procedural, and reflexive-evaluative. These components, in turn, are offered as components that improve the quality of education and the productivity of learning in terms of the activities of the teacher and students during training.

According to the research data, the main factors affecting the productivity of learning have been identified, the main ones are: educational materials studied by students, organizational and pedagogical impact in teaching, student learning opportunities, and temporary factors in the implementation of educational work. In addition, the results of an organized learning process (knowledge, actions, and product) can be the results of productive learning.

As indicators of evaluating the effectiveness of learning: increasing the level of education of students and their education during the organized educational process; the implementation of practical cases and skills of students; mental development of students; the ability of students to apply the theoretical information received in practice; students learn to study, assimilate and read material consciously, be able to express thoughts through collective thinking about something; the students' worldview, introspection, and education, etc. it is also said that it should be accepted.

In this article, as an indicator of the effectiveness of the training process: so that students sufficiently master educational, organizational, information, and business skills; so that students consciously provide reflection and feedback to the teacher, student, and students; improving the level of education of students (according to Bloom's taxonomy); implementation by students of practical cases and skills or psychomotor skills; it is recommended to achieve a stable emotional and value attitude of students to the educational process.

Библиографические ссылки

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