Iasaýı ýnıversıtetіnіń habarshysy https://journals.ayu.edu.kz/index.php/habarshy <p>"Iasaýı ýnıversıtetіnіń habarshysy" dergisi, üniversitenin temelleri altında oluşturuldu. 8 Ekim 1996'da Kazakistan Cumhuriyeti Ulusal Basın ve Kitle İletişim Ajansı'na tescil edildi ve 232 numaralı sertifika yayınlandı. Dizin No. 75637. 2015 yılında dergi, Kazakistan Cumhuriyeti Yatırım ve Kalkınma Bakanlığı İletişim, Bilgilendirme ve Bilgilendirme Komitesi'ne yeniden kayıt yaptırmış ve 232-Zh numaralı sertifikayı yayınlamıştır. Dergi 2013 yılından bu yana Paris'teki ISSN (Uluslararası Standart Seri Numarası) merkezine kayıtlıdır. ISSN 2306-7365. e-ISSN 2664-0686. Derginin Sıklığı: Üç ayda bir yılda 4 kez.</p> ru-RU khabarshi.iktu@ayu.edu.kz (Habarshy) khabarshi.iktu@ayu.edu.kz (Habarshy) Sun, 30 Jun 2024 13:35:51 +0000 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 Theoretical Analysis of the Problem of Student Creativity Development https://journals.ayu.edu.kz/index.php/habarshy/article/view/3856 <p>The problem of the research is to identify effective pedagogical conditions for the development of students' creative abilities as individual creative abilities. This article presents the results of experiments conducted to test the effectiveness of educational conditions for the development of creativity of students, especially the methods of development of university students. The basic prerequisites for innovation exist in all areas of creative activity. Creativity is the highest form of intelligence, which describes the ability to create and apply discoveries in various fields of human activity. The best part of intelligence is creativity. Creativity is primarily the emergence of new ideas. This is directly related to the ability to creatively synthesize. The result of the synthesis of creativity is the development of a theory, an invention, a work of art, or an understanding of a problem.<br>The problem of creating theoretical and methodological foundations for the development of students' creativity in the vocational education system is not fully developed, but currently it is of great importance from the point of view of professional pedagogy.<br>The practical significance of the research results makes it possible to improve the quality of the developed psychological and pedagogical conditions and develop recommendations for the formation of students' creativity and preparation for creative educational activities.</p> А.А. Zholdasbekov- A.T. Iskalieva- B.A. Zholdasbekova Telif Hakkı (c) 2024 https://journals.ayu.edu.kz/index.php/habarshy/article/view/3856 Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Didactic Recommendations on the Use of STEM Approach in the Digital Education https://journals.ayu.edu.kz/index.php/habarshy/article/view/3857 <p>The ways of introducing digital STEM learning into school practice are one of the elements of digital pedagogy which supplements and develops pedagogical problems by increasing the efficiency of their solution through creating digital educational environments. Currently, digital STEM learning is one of the pressing issues. This is due to the fact that there is still no clear unambiguous definition of concepts related to STEM education, methods of its application are not fully studied yet, and most teachers lack STEM competencies. At present, there are two occurrences of STEM-approach: integration of school science subjects and separate study of school science subjects. In our country, the second option is used, which implies implementation of STEM approach by using interdisciplinary content and interdisciplinary training tasks. In this situation, the organization of STEM lessons and STEM projects is of crucial significance. Therefore, the article discusses didactic guidelines for applying STEM approaches presented in a number of works, as well as models of didactic projects for STEM approach are given in the form of recommendations. The study identified didactic elements of the STEM approach in the context of digital education, as well as relevant didactic guidelines and pedagogical conditions for creating an educational environment for their implementation. All this allows us to conclude that when implementing STEM approach, the mentioned didactic guidelines and special training of future teachers not only provide them with the necessary knowledge and skills, but also develop essential skills that are necessary for their further development, preparing them for continued learning and adapting to the ever-evolving demands of education.</p> R.I. Kadirbayeva- Kh.K. Abdrakhmanova- K.B. Kudaibergenova Telif Hakkı (c) 2024 https://journals.ayu.edu.kz/index.php/habarshy/article/view/3857 Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Pedagogical Foundations of the Use Multimedia Technologies in Organic Chemistry Education in Secondary School https://journals.ayu.edu.kz/index.php/habarshy/article/view/3858 <p>In article the features and experience of using multimedia technologies in teaching organic chemistry were discussed. Currently, a generalized theoretical model of the material that determines the advantages and disadvantages of using multimedia technologies in the educational process. The results of teaching using multimedia technologies in the chemistry study in secondary school were considered. Special attention when conducting scientific research within the pedagogical foundations of the use multimedia technologies in organic chemistry education in secondary school was paid to theoretical and empirical studies of students forms of independent work of students, namely multi-level individual tasks performed in electronic format on the course of organic chemistry.<br>Methods of analysis, synthesis, electronic study of data, video, observation, interpretation of computer graphic tables were also used in teaching organic chemistry. As a result of the research, the pedagogical foundations of the use of multimedia technologies in organic chemistry education in secondary school were differentiated in comparison with traditional education.<br>It was established that it is convenient to learn based on approaches using the pedagogical method using the information environment. In secondary school, cognitive abilities are formed using methods, techniques, forms of learning using multimedia technologies. The school students were given an assessment of the logic of scientific cognition of educational activities, the formation of skills and abilities, the formation of thinking methods.<br>The results of scientific research can be used as a methodological guide based on illustration, abstraction and comparison of the learning method organic chemistry using multimedia technologies at the basic level of general education.</p> M.O. Altynbekova- G.A. Umarova- A.K. Mamyrbekova Telif Hakkı (c) 2024 https://journals.ayu.edu.kz/index.php/habarshy/article/view/3858 Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 THE FORMATION OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE THROUGH PODCASTS https://journals.ayu.edu.kz/index.php/habarshy/article/view/3859 <p>This research deeply explores communication's vital role, especially in English language education, aiming to enrich students' communicative competence through podcast-based learning. It investigates the theoretical underpinnings of communicative competence, language acquisition theories, and the impact of digital technologies on language learning methods. This study reviews existing research methods and technologies that enhance communicative competence among language learners.<br>Our approach combined qualitative and quantitative research methods, including statistical analysis for survey data, relevant podcast selection, observation, and synthesis of collected information. To guide our experiment, we established hypotheses:<br>1. Increased engagement with subject-specific podcasts positively correlates with improved language acquisition and comprehension among students.<br>2. Different podcast content types (e.g., academic versus entertainment) influence language learning outcomes differently.<br>3. Using curated podcast vocabulary and phrases in language assessments correlates with improved understanding and usage among students.<br>Ultimately, integrating podcasts significantly strengthened language learning outcomes, bridging the gap between theory and practice. These audio resources provided invaluable insights, diverse perspectives, and specialized terminologies, enriching students' educational journeys. Utilizing podcasts within structured curricula presents a promising avenue for enhancing communicative competence and creating a holistic learning environment. This research suggests that incorporating subject-specific podcasts into language learning curricula can significantly improve language acquisition and comprehension, potentially revolutionizing language education methodologies.</p> G.K. BELGIBAYEVA- A.S. BAIMAKHAN- Zh.M. AKPAROVA Telif Hakkı (c) 2024 https://journals.ayu.edu.kz/index.php/habarshy/article/view/3859 Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Transdisciplinary Approach as a Didactic Resource for Developing Professional Competencies https://journals.ayu.edu.kz/index.php/habarshy/article/view/3860 <p>Methodological basis of the research is interdisciplinary, activity and resource-based approaches, where preparation of BSc within 6B05301 – “Physics” program is considered as a resource to develop professional competencies. Transdisciplinary approach application in the study of basic and specialized disciplines involves the formation of professional competencies required in students’ future professional activities. The increased intensity of knowledge and technology requires building new systemic quality of knowledge and technology, where a transdisciplinary approach becomes a system-forming factor. The research purpose is to develop and test transdisciplinary professionally oriented tasks in the educational process (TPOT), ensuring the formation of specialized, basic and universal competencies applying the qualimetric method. Based on research objectives: 1) assessment of the content, structure, learning outcomes, and courses was carried out based on professional competencies’ scale; 2) TPOT system was developed that enhances students’ professional thinking as a leading characteristic of activity quality; 3) technology for implementing student learning based on TPOT was developed; 4) evaluation of the results of experimental approbation was carried out based on expert assessment of specialists and evaluation of consumers (learning outcomes (LO) of students) applying the qualimetric method.</p> А.B. Iskakova- K.А. Nurumzhanova Telif Hakkı (c) 2024 https://journals.ayu.edu.kz/index.php/habarshy/article/view/3860 Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Formation of research activities of educators by studying the biological features of Tilia cordata in the Trukestan region https://journals.ayu.edu.kz/index.php/habarshy/article/view/3861 <p>The article analyzes the progress of the organization of research work on the use of research activities in order to introduce students of the natural sciences to science. The main purpose of the research work is the formation of research skills in biological education by identifying stress resistance, morpho-physiological, environmental features of linden trees in the Botanical Garden of the Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University. During the research work, theoretical and somewhat empirical methods were used: the “INSERT” method, the questionnaire method, the deductive method, the group method, the observation method, the technology of plant fertilization. During the lectures, the “INSERT” method was used, and the guided tours method was used to increase students' interest in practical work. In order to determine the size of morpho-physiological parameters of plants, methods of biometric measurements and phenophase periodic observations were used. In the botanical garden of our university, theoretical foundations for determining their viability and morphophysiological features were developed for 2nd-year biology students using the method of selecting linden varieties for practical classes in the Botany section. As a result of the conducted research, the optimal method of reproduction of linden species was recognized. Students selected for research in this field were offered theoretical knowledge, and then a questionnaire was taken for further study. Knowledge acquisition initially amounted to 32% and 28% in both groups, in a repeated survey at the end of the work, this indicator increased in one of the two groups participating in the research work, and in the next group showed unchanged results. The 1st group (experimental group) increased their knowledge from 32% to 88% by fertilizing their chosen variety. And the result of the 2nd group, educated only on a theoretical basis, was 25% lower than in the 1st group. The 1-st group, which participated in research work, enriched the selected linden variety with fertilizers, monitored heir endurance and viability. The course of research work and the stages of organizing research work when using research activities are shown. When carrying out research work, the criteria for analyzing the results of the study, summarizing the results, and evaluating the predicted result were improved.</p> N.N. Salybekova- B.Z. Umirov Telif Hakkı (c) 2024 https://journals.ayu.edu.kz/index.php/habarshy/article/view/3861 Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 TOWARDS USING MOBILE APPLICATIONS IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING https://journals.ayu.edu.kz/index.php/habarshy/article/view/3862 <p>In the previous ten years, social media has grown rapidly and has become increasingly important in human life. Among, the well-known social sites, Instagram takes a special place, especially by young people. Today, social media is part of the process of human development in life, which is why many students, more than reading books, advocate learning through gadgets. Using Instagram for students would be amusing way to learn foreign language. Purpose of this research was to investigate the students’ attitudes towards the use of Instagram as the source for improving the language skills and to learn more about how students used the tool to increase their motivation to join and engage with their peers. It looked into how often students participated in online forums and what they thought about using Instagram as a platform for language learning exercises. The research was used quantitative research design. Instagram as an Educational Platform developed by Ali Erarslan (2019) was used in the study. 77 students attended this survey in the Foreign Language Teaching Department of Khoja Akhmet Yasawi International Kazakh-Turkish University. The data obtained from questionnaire were analyzed with the help of Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS 23.0). Descriptive statistics were used analyzing the data. Results were shown positive attitudes of students regarding Instagram.</p> M. AKESHOVA- G. RIZAKHOJAYEVA- E.M. TORBIK Telif Hakkı (c) 2024 https://journals.ayu.edu.kz/index.php/habarshy/article/view/3862 Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Gamification in English Lessons at Primary School: Effectiveness and Application Possibilities https://journals.ayu.edu.kz/index.php/habarshy/article/view/3863 <p>Gamification today is one of the most important modern trends in educational technologies. The study examined the effectiveness of using gamification in primary English lessons in high school and the possibilities of using digital platforms based on gamification to increase students' motivation and interest in learning a foreign language. The results of a gamification-based lesson on the digital platforms Kahoot+ premium and Quizizz are compared, and the effects of previous studies are compared.<br>The experimental part of our research work was carried out with the participation of primary school teachers and primary school students in the city of Shymkent and the Turkestan region. The sample of this study, which was conducted in experimental and control groups, included 30 primary school students. And its positive results are shown in tables and pictures.<br>The main purpose of the study was to test the hypothesis that adding gamification elements to English language lessons can improve student engagement, motivation and overall learning outcomes. The research methods used in this study include a combination of quantitative and qualitative approaches that involve data collection through surveys, observations and evaluations. Based on the data obtained in the “Analysis and Results” section, theoretical analyzes were performed, supplemented by tables, diagrams and statistical indicators. The final section presents a conclusion based on the research findings, highlighting the potential benefits of introducing gamification into English language teaching in primary schools. The article concludes with a discussion of the research findings and suggestions for future research directions.</p> М.М. Duisenova- A.N. Zhorabekova- G.I. Abramova Telif Hakkı (c) 2024 https://journals.ayu.edu.kz/index.php/habarshy/article/view/3863 Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Opportunities and Prospects for the Use of Mobile Technologies in Improving the Professional Competence of Future Ecologists https://journals.ayu.edu.kz/index.php/habarshy/article/view/3864 <p>The main goal of Kazakhstan in higher education is to train professional specialists with professionalism, communication skills and foreign language competence, critical thinking style and creative potential. Currently, higher education should be continuous, comprehensively developed, of high quality, with the use of mobile technologies, with an emphasis on the activity of students, their independence, and the ability to quickly adapt to the changing moments of modern society. The search for optimal reserves for improving the professional training of future high-quality and qualified ecologists is moving into a flat system of formation and development of their professional competencies. The most important factor in the successful professional implementation of the education system in Higher education is the problem of creating an educational space that increases unique creative abilities in the development of communicative competence. In connection with the process of modernization and informatization of education at Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University, in order to develop international-level specialists and improve the quality of knowledge provided to them, a course has been formed dedicated to the development of new pedagogical foundations for the formation of a future specialist as a professional and creative personality with high professional competencies. When improving the quality of professional competence of future ecologists, new technologies and advanced teaching methods in the education system should be used to the maximum. In this research paper, ways to improve the quality of training and professional competencies of future ecologists using mobile learning technologies were considered.</p> D.K. Sunakbaeva- D.Kh. Yuldashbek Telif Hakkı (c) 2024 https://journals.ayu.edu.kz/index.php/habarshy/article/view/3864 Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Training Methods for Effective Conduct of National Mobile Games in Small Schools https://journals.ayu.edu.kz/index.php/habarshy/article/view/3865 <p>This article analyzed the quality of physical education in small schools in Kyzylorda and Turkestan regions, considered ways to solve emerging problems and improve physical education in these schools.<br>The main indicator for physical education teachers is the quality of classes and the promotion of student health. The physical education teachers of the small schools in which we conducted the study did not study a special methodology for conducting physical education lessons, as they studied at the university at the correspondence department. This was determined by conducting a survey.<br>In addition, in order to identify problems in small schools that physical education teachers face every day, a 36-hour special refresher course was organized. During the course, they taught the lesson to conduct at a high professional level and increase the interest of students in the lesson using frontal, circular, flow, group and individual methods of conducting lessons.<br>The experiment was carried out in small schools in the Kyzylorda and Turkestan regions. The main goal of the research work is to analyze the features of small schools and the professional qualifications of physical education teachers, select and systematize national moving games held in primary classes, various options and methods for conducting classes in integrated classes were proposed.<br>In the course of the experiment, we found out that the correct choice of national moving games and their qualified conduct can not only increase the quality, load, and density of the lesson for physical education teachers, but also benefit from solving many pedagogical problems, forming the motor skills of primary school students, developing physical fitness, preparedness and maturity.<br>At the end of the study, control standards were obtained from the experimental and control groups, as a result of which the experimental groups showed a high level in all indicators. The proposed method can be used by teachers of physical education as a methodological indication at a daily lesson.</p> N.K. Zhilisbayev- Zh.M. Yessirkepov- B.I. Kurmanbayev Telif Hakkı (c) 2024 https://journals.ayu.edu.kz/index.php/habarshy/article/view/3865 Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Formation of Students’ Readiness to Develop the Social Skills of Younger Students https://journals.ayu.edu.kz/index.php/habarshy/article/view/3866 <p>The article is devoted to the problem of professional training of future teachers in the development of social skills of primary school students. The scientific research conducted by the authors contributes to the increase of creative and intellectual activity of students. The review of the literature defines the essence of the concepts of “social skills” and “training”, as well as clarifies the problem of developing social skills. The assessment of the levels of motivational, cognitive, activity, and reflexive components of the process of developing students' professional training has been carried out.<br>During the experiment, a special course was organized, within the framework of which complex work was carried out, including theoretical, practical and methodological tasks. The indicators and levels of preparedness of future teachers for the development of social skills of primary school students are determined, and the results of experimental work are presented. Students master the technologies and information provided aimed at developing students' social skills and achieve significant changes with their successful implementation during practice.<br>When analyzing the results, it was noted that future teachers had increased interest in their profession, professional activity, and significantly improved creative thinking and cognitive abilities. The results show the effectiveness of methods and organized work in the process of teaching students. Accordingly, the authors consider it necessary to include the subject “Methods of developing social skills of primary school students” in the curriculum.</p> G.I. Salgarayeva- R.A Nabuova Telif Hakkı (c) 2024 https://journals.ayu.edu.kz/index.php/habarshy/article/view/3866 Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Problem of Bullying at School and Foreign Experiences in Solving it https://journals.ayu.edu.kz/index.php/habarshy/article/view/3868 <p>The article explains the concept of bullying, shows a number of types of bullying and provides brief information on the causes of bullying. The relevance of the research of the article is that bullying activities at school have a negative impact on students' emotional and personal qualities, as well as on their attitude to learning, the deterioration of their subjective well-being, and the importance of its prevention. Systematization, generalization, methods of analysis of pedagogical products and methods of statistical processing of experimental data during the theoretical analysis of several foreign studies related to the prevention of school bullying are used. Based on foreign studies, different mechanisms and scientific findings of bullying prevention are presented. Bullying prevention practices in Korea, Mexico, USA, Finland, and Nigeria are analyzed. According to foreign experiences, the importance of special activities related to improvement of empathic ability of students, increase of self-efficacy, improvement of interaction related to restoration of relations of conflict participants, adherence to positivity, improvement of empathy of observers in bullying situations, mastering of self-defense actions is determined. The article provides statistical data on the types and frequency of physical and psychological violence among schoolchildren in the cities of Almaty and Turkestan.</p> Т.К. Mustapaeva- G.U. Eleusinova- B.Sh. Ibatulin Telif Hakkı (c) 2024 https://journals.ayu.edu.kz/index.php/habarshy/article/view/3868 Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 MAIN BARRIERS TO DEVELOPING INNOVATIONAL ACTIVITIES OF UNIVERSITY TEACHERS IN KAZAKHSTAN https://journals.ayu.edu.kz/index.php/habarshy/article/view/3869 <p>The relevance of studying the problem of university teacher’s barriers for innovative activities is due to modern requirements for the personality of an instructor in the field of higher education. This article is devoted to university teacher’s barriers to innovative activities. Currently, the main goal of innovations in the higher education is the harmonious development of personality, creative abilities of a person, as well as increasing the intellectual and innovative potential of the country. Innovations in education are the part of the process of acquiring innovative knowledge, skills and values by individual teachers. Therefore, the problems associated with the research on formation of innovative activities of a university teacher are of particular importance.<br>To obtain the results of the study in this article, the following methods were used: theoretical (analysis and synthesis of scientific works of domestic and foreign authors on the research problems); empirical (questionnaires, pedagogical observation). An anonymous survey was conducted with teachers of Kazakhstan’s universities. The main goal was to identify barriers to the development of innovations by university teachers. The conducted survey revealed that there are certain barriers in innovative activities of university teachers.<br>The study demonstrates that not all teachers are engaged in innovative activities and there are possible reasons behind that. Most of them are fear before innovations and old methods are more effective than new ones and others. The authors of the article came to conclusion that fruitful and successful work of tertiary teachers is one of the ways of overcoming barriers. Of particular importance is university teachers’ self-education and self-development, the desire for innovation, determination to achieve goals, as well as the ability to eliminate the causes of difficulties.</p> R.E. KUSSAINOVA- G.T. URAZBAYEVA- G.Z. TAZHITOVA Telif Hakkı (c) 2024 https://journals.ayu.edu.kz/index.php/habarshy/article/view/3869 Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Metacognitive Skills Enhancement in Biology Classes https://journals.ayu.edu.kz/index.php/habarshy/article/view/3870 <p>The paper reports the study aimed at evaluating the impact of a 10-week metacognition-based biology curriculum on the students' metacognitive skills and biology understanding. The study involved 55 eighth-graders from two classes at Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Physics and Mathematics (Semey, Kazakhstan). One group used metacognitive prompts, while the other group studied the subject according to the standard curriculum. The results showed that the participants who received hints, also improving their metacognitive strategies when completing the task, scored higher on the biology test and reported an improvement in metacognitive skills compared to their peers studying according to the classical method. Qualitative analysis of the interviews revealed themes of collaboration and understanding among the students. They appreciated task specificity that deepened their understanding of biology and cooperative learning facilitated by metacognitive prompts that not only improved their understanding of the subject but also contributed to a positive classroom atmosphere. The students attached special importance to the use of metacognitive strategies, emphasizing that they would focus on completing the task. The present study emphasizes the effectiveness of metacognitive support in improving biology education. The authors recommend integrating metacognitive strategies into classroom learning routines, accentuating the beneficial effects they can have on students' experiences and learning outcomes.</p> A.Zh. Sadykova- М.О. Iskakova- А.В. Sovetova Telif Hakkı (c) 2024 https://journals.ayu.edu.kz/index.php/habarshy/article/view/3870 Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Potential of Using Interactive Storytelling in a Mixed Reality Environment in Teaching Kazakh Sign Language https://journals.ayu.edu.kz/index.php/habarshy/article/view/3871 <p>The scientific article examines a current trend in the education of children with hearing impairments - the use of interactive storytelling in Mixed Reality (MR). In recent years, MR technologies have become increasingly important in the field of education, providing unique opportunities for visual perception of information in a virtual environment.<br>The study highlights the prospects for using MR to address the challenges of teaching sign language, an important element of communication for deaf and hard of hearing children. In the context of Kazakhstan, where the needs of this vulnerable audience are often overlooked, the article provides valuable experience in teaching Kazakh Sign Language using modern technologies.<br>The authors of the article present the results of a pilot experiment conducted among 24 students in special classes for children with hearing impairment aged 10-14 years. This experiment assessed the potential of using MR technology to expand vocabulary and improve comprehension of educational material. The article also discusses preliminary observations, identified limitations, and suggests possible ways to improve the use of mixed reality as an additional tool in the educational process for children with hearing loss. Examples and studies are also provided demonstrating the use of mixed technologies in the education of children with hearing loss in various countries. This research contributes to the enrichment of teaching practice and the development of inclusive education.<br>This article creates the opportunity to disseminate knowledge and information about technological solutions in teaching children with special educational needs. It also provides valuable resources and tools that may be useful to educators, researchers, and practitioners working in the field.</p> A.B. Kydyrbekova- А.Y. Karymsakova Telif Hakkı (c) 2024 https://journals.ayu.edu.kz/index.php/habarshy/article/view/3871 Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 “PETRIFICATION” MOTIF IN KAZAKH LEGENDS https://journals.ayu.edu.kz/index.php/habarshy/article/view/3840 <p>Kazakh culture has a rich mythological heritage, and Kazakh legends are an important source for reflecting on the history, beliefs, and values of the Kazakh people. This article focuses on the motif of petrification, which is frequently seen in Kazakh legends. Petrification is the most common type of shape-shifting motif, where a superior power turns living or inanimate elements into stone to save them from disaster or to punish them. It features examples of people, animals, houses, and other things being petrified. This can happen when individuals beg god to get them out of difficult situations, punish enemies, or help them cope with deep sadness. Being petrified is a punishment for the bad and a salvation for the good. This study examined 15 Kazakh legends and classified the motif of petrification under six types: 1) petrification due to the wrath of God; 2) petrification due to one’s wish or someone else’s prayer; 3) petrification due to a curse; 4) petrification due to Exhaustion and inability to fight; 5) petrification due to sadness; and 6) petrification of a dead animal. Furthermore, based on the motif of petrification, the legends’ underlying meaning and educational value were defined and their significance was unfolded.</p> Ye. ARGYNBAYEV Telif Hakkı (c) 2024 https://journals.ayu.edu.kz/index.php/habarshy/article/view/3840 Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Manifestations of ancient beliefs in “The Book of Korkyt Ata” https://journals.ayu.edu.kz/index.php/habarshy/article/view/3841 <p>The article specifically examines the ancient beliefs of the Oguz tribes and the mythical elements of the ancient Turkic peoples, reflected in the songs “The Book of Korkyt Ata”, and ancient plots born in connection with shamanic beliefs. In addition, the Book of Korkyt Ata tells about the worldview of the early time and the ideology of the late epoch, about the combination of shamanic consciousness and Islamic understanding, which manifests itself in a holistic and complex syncretic form. It is also said that in the motifs of the mythical melodies in the “The Book of Korkyt Ata” one can find individual samples that do not have similarities. The word about the good preservation of the beliefs of the Turkic peoples and mythical ideas about the creation of the world is touched upon.<br>When writing the article, research papers were considered, which cited the analyses and conclusions of well known scientific thinkers. The object of the study is the fact that, although the book got into writing during the period of adoption of Islamic values, the old beliefs have not undergone much change. It is known that the heritage of Korkyt Ata is a valuable asset of culture, literature and history. In addition, some data about Korkyt are also not true, which still needs to be studied. The article says that this is one of the topics that does not lose its relevance.</p> K.S. Kalybekova- О. Soylemez2- A.D. Bekkulova Telif Hakkı (c) 2024 https://journals.ayu.edu.kz/index.php/habarshy/article/view/3841 Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Features of Modern Comic Advertising https://journals.ayu.edu.kz/index.php/habarshy/article/view/3842 <p>The purpose of this article is to analyze the texts of modern advertising with comic elements. Modern advertising is increasingly using various pragmatic strategies aimed at evoking emotions in the addressee. One of the effective ways to achieve this goal is to use humor and create a comic effect. Humor helps to attract the audience's attention and remember the advertising message. Advertising texts often use a variety of linguistic techniques and play with linguistic devices to achieve their goals. Speech polysemy of linguistic means, along with homonymy, functional syncretism, play with words, comic images and situations most often become the cause of the comic. In the analysis of advertising texts, the continuous sampling method was used. Its use helped to select more than 50 advertising texts with comic overtones. Quantitative analysis was used to quantify advertisements with comic elements and to survey men and women to determine the impact of such advertisements on their daily lives. During the research, it was revealed that advertising with comic elements is capable of more fully, informatively and clearly conveying information, emotions and values through a combination of verbal and non-verbal elements, taking into account the preferences and expectations of the target audience. The article can be used as an application for students of advertising science, some aspects of modern journalism and comic literature.</p> G.A. Seidullayeva- G.K. Temirkulova- ZH.L. Kenzhitaeva Telif Hakkı (c) 2024 https://journals.ayu.edu.kz/index.php/habarshy/article/view/3842 Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 KAZAK HALK MASALLARINDAKİ “ANT”, “YEMİN” VE “VAAT” (SÖZ) KAVRAMLARININ EDİMBİLİMSEL GÖRÜNÜMÜ https://journals.ayu.edu.kz/index.php/habarshy/article/view/3843 <p>Kazak halkının zihninde ve halk masallarında “sözünün eri olmak”, “verdiği sözü tutmak”, “verdiği sözü yerine getirmek” gibi kavramlar çok yaygın kullanılmakla birlikte, Kazak toplumunda insan ilişkilerinin düzenlenmesinde kullanılan önemli bir dil birimi olarak da karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Zira evrensel bir hadise olan “ant”, “yemin” ve “vaat” kavramları, bireylerin arasında güven, ikna etme duygularını oluşturmak için toplumların başvurdukları kavramlardır. Makalede kültürel mirasımız olan halk masallarındaki “ant”, “yemin” ve “vaat” (söz) manevi kavramları edimbilimsel açıdan ele alınarak incelenmiştir. Bununla birlikte, yazarlar makalede göçebe Türk toplumundaki “ant içme”, “yemin etme” ve “söz verme” gibi gelenekler ile törenler üzerinde durmakta ve Kazak halk masallarındaki Türk Dünyası için kutsal bir değeri olan “ant”, “yemin” ve “vaat” (söz) manevi kavramlarını tahlil etmektedir. İnceleme sonucunda halkımızın gelenek ve göreneklerini ve kültürel miraslarını kuşaktan kuşağa aktarmada büyük önem taşıyan Kazak halk masallarındaki “ant”, “yemin” ve “vaat” (söz) kavramları ile birlikte, göçebe hayat tarzında yaygın olarak kullanılan hukuki, büyüsel, dini, “saf" etik sıfattaki “ant içme”, “yemin etme”, “söz verme” ritüelleri ile ilgili elde edilen tespitlere yer verilmiştir. İncelenen masallardaki konuşma eylemlerinin pragmatik anlam açısından özel bir yere sahip olduğu ve “'ant içmek, yemin etmek'' eylemlerinde işlevsel ve anlamsal bir üslup kullanıldığı dile getirilmekte ve Kazak halk masallarında “ant”, “yemin” ve “vaat” (söz) kavramlarının insan ve toplum arasındaki ilişkilerin düzenlenmesindeki rolünün zamanla geliştiği, kullanım alanı ile üslup derecesi değişikliğe uğrayıp, anlamsal olarak farklı boyutlar kazandığı gözler önüne serilmektedir. Ayrıca, sözün semantik gelişmesinin, insan bilişselliğinin gelişmesini yansıttığına dair yorum yapılmaktadır.</p> K.Ş. BALABEKOVA- A.A. KURMANALİ- J.K. OTARBEKOVA Telif Hakkı (c) 2024 https://journals.ayu.edu.kz/index.php/habarshy/article/view/3843 Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Folk Philosophy on Life and Death in Lamentations https://journals.ayu.edu.kz/index.php/habarshy/article/view/3844 <p>The article is devoted to the analysis of existential-philosophical aspect and historical bases of the genre “joktau” (lament). The researcher shows that this genre inherited oral-poetic traditions of Sak, Hun, Uysun tribes and has deep roots of existential philosophy of Kazakh people. The author relies on the works of famous philosophers, folklorists and linguists in his research. According to the author's opinion, joktau reflects the humanistic worldview of Kazakhs about human existence and the meaning of each stage of the human life’s cycle “birth-growth-death”. The living tradition of joktau, along with its deep philosophical significance, demonstrates the genesis of folklore poetics and reflects the historical reality of the era in which it was created. The author emphasizes the world outlook connection of joktau with Kazakh myths and fairy tales.<br>The text of «Joktau on Hajj Abdullah», which was found by the author in the manuscripts fund of the National Academy of Sciences is of great historical value. This oral-poetic text reflects the era of colonization of Kazakh lands by the tsarist power of Russia. Zhoktau describes how Kazakh tribes, that lost their lands, migrated from the eastern region of Kazakhstan and wandered in search of a home in Mongolia, China and Russia. The researcher notes that the joktau genre needs a deep study as it is an important monument of oral folk art, associated with the worldview, life philosophy and history of the Kazakhs.</p> B.B. Kelgembayeva Telif Hakkı (c) 2024 https://journals.ayu.edu.kz/index.php/habarshy/article/view/3844 Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Social and Social Character of Satire and Humor in Modern Aitys https://journals.ayu.edu.kz/index.php/habarshy/article/view/3845 <p>This article gives an overview of research works that analyze the history, ways of formation, specific features of the genre of satire and humor, which have common features consonant with the traditions of world literature. The role and problems of satire and humor in the modern art of aitys, development trends, scientific-theoretical opinions and conclusions of research scientists are comprehensively differentiated. These conclusions and opinions will be studied on the basis of the word junction of modern aitys poets. In particular, the aytys of Mukhamedjan Tazabekov and Aitmukhambet Isakov, Mukhamedjan Tazabekov and Shynarbek Kabiev, Mels Kosimbayev and Mukhamedjan Tazabekov, Esenkul Zhakupbekov and Aselkhan Kalybekov, Mukhtar Niyazov and Bekarys Shoibekov, Bekarys Shoibekov and Zhansai Musin will be analyzed. The article also reveals thematic and ideological features of statements, artistic features of akyns. It is proved that the rational use by paired disputants of humor and satire, corresponding to the theme, is revealed in the course of their specific meetings. In addition, the speech responses of akyns of interest to the general public are analyzed, easily conveying historical, political, social, human, global problems, which once had bitter mercurial satire and now have parable humor. The course of the aitys was analyzed, the adherence of each akyn to stage culture and rules, communication with respect for the audience and the paired poet, consistency of thought and purity of words in conveying the theme of the aitys.</p> G.T. Tleuberdina- G.S. Boken Telif Hakkı (c) 2024 https://journals.ayu.edu.kz/index.php/habarshy/article/view/3845 Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 «Diwani Hikmet» Collection Versions and Their Textology https://journals.ayu.edu.kz/index.php/habarshy/article/view/3846 <p>The scientific article “Versions of the collection “Diwani hikmet” and their textology” is devoted to the analysis of different collection versions Hoja Ahmed Yasawi hikmets, known as “Diwan Hikmet”. The article covers the issues of textology, variant text and its evolution over time. The study begins with a historical overview of the collection, emphasizing its importance in the cultural and literary heritage. The authors examine various versions of “Diwani Hikmet” and offer a detailed textual analysis, identifying differences and similarities between them.<br>The main emphasis is on identifying variants of the text introduced by different copyists and editors over time. The authors consider the influence of cultural and historical contexts in shaping these versions, and highlight key points that determine textual diversity. The article also emphasizes the importance of this study for a better understanding of the Sufi poetry and philosophy of Hoja Ahmed Yasawi. The authors argue that analyzing the textuality of Diwani hikmet not only reveals its evolution, but also helps shed light on the historical and cultural aspects of Sufism in Kazakhstan.<br>Thus, the article provides a valuable perspective on the «Diwani Hikmet» collection versions, its textology and its significance for understanding the spiritual heritage of Hoja Ahmed Yasawi in the modern research context.</p> Zh.A. Suleimenova- B.S. Korganbekov- P.Z. Balkhimbekova Telif Hakkı (c) 2024 https://journals.ayu.edu.kz/index.php/habarshy/article/view/3846 Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Linguistic Analysis of the Names of Indian Mammals in «Baburnama»: Etymology, Semantics https://journals.ayu.edu.kz/index.php/habarshy/article/view/3847 <p>In history, Zahir ad-din Muhammad Babur is known not only as a king and poet, but also as a geographer, ethnographer, and historian. Proof of this is his autobiographical work «Baburnama», which occupies a worthy place in world literature. «Baburnama» in the Chagatai language tells about the events that took place in Central Asia, Afghanistan and India at the end of the 15th - beginning of the 16th centuries. The Baburnama is a treasure trove of natural science terms that provides a unique linguistic perspective on the historical and natural conditions of the era. The description of flora and fauna in «Baburnama» is an important linguistic resource for understanding the linguistic experience of Z.M. Babur. This article analyzes in detail the names of mammals living in India, recorded in the Baburnama. The study focuses on the etymology and semantics of these terms. The author suggests that the names of Indian mammals may be words borrowed from the languages of the peoples living in those regions. The authors suggest that the names of Indian mammals may be borrowed from the languages of the peoples living in the specified region. The article uses descriptive and comparative methods of linguistics to study etymology and semantics of 12 terms: bāndar, fīl, gaynī uy, gilāhrī, hāti, kalahara, karg, kūtahpāy, mūš-i xurmā, nawal, nīlagāv, ṣaḥrā’ī gāvmeš</p> К.К. Kenzhalin- A.K. Tangsykbay Telif Hakkı (c) 2024 https://journals.ayu.edu.kz/index.php/habarshy/article/view/3847 Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 National Connotation of Phraseology in the Works of D. Isabekov https://journals.ayu.edu.kz/index.php/habarshy/article/view/3848 <p>The article examines the manifestations of national connotation in phraseological units and stable expressions used in the works of the talented writer of the Kazakh people D. Isabekov. Connotation (Latin con (cum) – together and noto – to denote, quote) is an additional, concomitant meaning of a language unit. Connotation includes semantic or stylistic elements that are known to be related to the main meaning of the word. Connotation is used to express emotional and evaluative shades of speech. The meaning or use of denotation (the lexical meaning of a word) and connotation largely depends on the subject of the study. Connotation plays an important role in learning a language and understanding the literary use of a word. Words can be used with a positive or negative meaning depending on the context and situation. Depending on the circumstances of the application, there is also a neutral form of connotation. Although the connotation itself is not a conditional component of the target word expressing its meaning, it has a dual character due to the fact that stable concepts associated with the word are formed in the minds of native speakers of this language. So, the word “fox”, despite the fact that it means an animal, in the minds of the people, being stable in an image associated with cunning and cunning, the connotative meaning creates conditions for the emergence and use of stable expressions that are associated with these meanings. The classification of connotations by content, cultural, national, emotional, ideological, and evaluative qualities has already been established in linguistics. Stable phrases are important for reflecting national characteristics through language, as they are closely related to the historical past of the nation, worldview and knowledge in understanding the world, cultural values and national achievements.</p> D.Zh. Arynbayeva- D.N. Baigutova- A.G. Kurbanov Telif Hakkı (c) 2024 https://journals.ayu.edu.kz/index.php/habarshy/article/view/3848 Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Post-Colonial Consciousness and the use of folklorisms in the Novel “Baksy and Genghis Khan” by Arslan Koychiev https://journals.ayu.edu.kz/index.php/habarshy/article/view/3849 <p>The article examines the poetic function of folklore motifs that interpret colonial and postcolonial manifestations in the novel “Baksy and Genghis Khan” by Kyrgyz writer Arslan Koychiev. The study aims to determine the literary and aesthetic function of folklorisms used by the author in interpreting postcolonial symptoms in the novel.<br>It is known that the consequences of the policy of Christianization of the Russian Empire and Stalin’s political repressions served as an impetus for strengthening mutual confrontation between peoples who associate their origin with Genghis Khan, who conquered vast territories. Conscious distrust or denial of the historical mission of their ancestors, underestimation of such national values as religion, language and unconscious distance from their own historical and national identity among the representatives of generations affected by colonialism contributed to the unleashing of colonial policies. A similar trend is observed in modern post-Soviet societies.<br>Along with this, the discourse of the said novel examines such political glimpses as the use of affixes unusual for the Kazakh language in surnames and the propaganda of comparing religion with opium in Soviet era. In the mentioned novel, the author gives the advantage of demonstrating the national and ethnographic specifics of the tradition of building burial structures with a dome for their deceased ancestors in the culture of the Kyrgyz and Kazakh peoples. By analyzing the context of the novel with hermeneutic, psychological, comparative typological, and anthropological methods, the tendency to displace the patronage function of zooanthropomorphic animals and birds (maral, deer, swan, wolf, eagle), considered the ancestors of the clan, which are found in the epics and legends of the Turkic peoples, in later periods by such owners of mystical sacred powers as Tengri, the cult of the spirit of ancestors, and the art of Baksy. The author of the article in his work comprehensively dwells on the methods of depicting colonial and postcolonial symbols in the work through folklorisms.</p> G.M. Akhmetova Telif Hakkı (c) 2024 https://journals.ayu.edu.kz/index.php/habarshy/article/view/3849 Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Mythonymic and Folklore Image of Speleonyms in the A. Seidimbek’s Works https://journals.ayu.edu.kz/index.php/habarshy/article/view/3851 <p>Speleonyms have a special place among opinions about the development and evolution of modern life. At the same time, their semiotic property is very strong, because a large amount of extralinguistic information is stored and accumulated in the form of codification in general onyms. The research aims to reveal the mythonymic and folklore image of spelenonyms in the works of A. Seydimbek. Taking into account speleonymic materials in the works of ethnographer-scientist, the semiotic aspects of speleonyms in toponymic space, the connection of legend and truth in toponyms with folk etymology, how the concept of space is established in the linguistic consciousness and linguistic image of Kazakhs is determined. An attempt is made to show the mythical image of the universe at the level of speleonyms (myphonims). Taking into account the fact that there are different scientific views on the concept of mythology in modern science, it is possible to reveal the mythonymic and folklore image of speleonyms. It was considered that speleonymic concepts form multi-layered diachronic and chronological levels. By uncovering, analyzing and describing those layers and levels, the importance of describing the mythonymic and folklore image of speleonyms was determined. Evidence was given that the acceptance of speleonyms in national knowledge is always carried out in the system of worldview associations characteristic of the historical and cultural community. In addition, it is reported that speleonyms (caves) in the Kazakh steppe need to be studied and widely studied in the future, as part of the knowledge of nature, preservation of the ancient names of this natural environment is included.</p> B.M. Bazarbekov- B.M. Tleuberdiev Telif Hakkı (c) 2024 https://journals.ayu.edu.kz/index.php/habarshy/article/view/3851 Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Concept of «Diligence» in Kazakh Linguistic and Cultural Knowledge https://journals.ayu.edu.kz/index.php/habarshy/article/view/3852 <p>The article examines the cognitive nature of the concept of diligence in the Kazakh language. Stable phrases that provide rich information about the cultural and national experience and traditions of our people, create an artistic word from figurative thought and demonstrate the spiritual culture of the linguistic community. Through phraseological units that capture the process of development of folk culture, passed down from generation to generation, we can recognize the cultural views, stereotypes, standards and archetypes of the people. In our study, the linguistic features of the concept of diligence in simple folk knowledge, transmitted through stable phrases, paremiological linguistic units, are revealed. The purpose of the scientific article is to study the use of the concept of diligence in semantic and conceptual units. To achieve this goal, such tasks as the formation of the author's approach to the linguistic image of the world and the disclosure of the content of the linguistic and cultural nature of the concept of diligence, with a scientific emphasis on the concept of cognitive linguistics, the concept, the conceptual field, the linguistic image of the universe, differentiation of the opinions of scientists studied within the framework of modern conceptual knowledge, were achieved. To determine the semantics of language units during the writing of the article, the methods of concept analysis and associative experiment were used. As a result of the study, the structural features and semantic scope of the concept of diligence were revealed in cognitive discourse.</p> G. A. Aitkulova- D.А. Islam Telif Hakkı (c) 2024 https://journals.ayu.edu.kz/index.php/habarshy/article/view/3852 Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Cognitive Nature of Linguistic and Cultural Units on the Beliefs of the Medieval Monument “Codekus Cumanicus” https://journals.ayu.edu.kz/index.php/habarshy/article/view/3853 <p>The article deals with the cognitive character of linguocultural units relating to the beliefs found in the medieval monument of Kypchak writing “Kodekus Kumanikus”. Beliefs are spiritual concepts that are formed in close connection with the life, culture, customs, views on the world of a certain people. The main purpose of the article is to reveal the linguocultural character of linguistic units and their general continuity inherent in Turkic peoples in relation to the beliefs reflected in the language of this monument.<br>The linguistic units relating to the beliefs which found in the written monument “Kodekus Kumanikus” have been preserved for centuries in people's cognition as a spiritual and cultural phenomenon. The article defines the reflection of linguocultural units, formed in the steppe civilization to date, on specific examples defined their ethno-cultural, linguocognitive characteristics. With time, human cognition becomes more perfect, increases the need to accumulate and study the heritage that preceded. The great important is a study of written monumental language from the point of view of anthropogenic paradigm, linguistic analysis of the text of the monument.<br>In the article we considered language units expressing ancient folk beliefs: Teŋir (god), kök (sky), bügü (shrine), mystical lexemes: baqčï (shaman), qam(sorcerer), qam qatïn (sorceress), rämillik (divination), kešenä (mausoleum), qurɤan (burial mound), sïn (tombstone) cosonyms: yulduzčï (astrologer), ay (moon), kun (sun) yulduz (star), uau (lightning), yayšï (meteorologist), sazaɤan (lightning dragon).</p> G.I. Serkebayeva- S.R. Boranbayev- G. Beskempirova Telif Hakkı (c) 2024 https://journals.ayu.edu.kz/index.php/habarshy/article/view/3853 Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Relevance and Scope of Application of the Concept «Spirit» in the Field of Linguistic Personality (based on the work of Sh. Murtaza) https://journals.ayu.edu.kz/index.php/habarshy/article/view/3854 <p>Currently, the scientific direction of conceptuology is one of the most studied topics in Kazakh linguistics, like linguoculturology, anthropocentric linguistics. The main research goals of these three areas are very similar because in all these moments language is closely connected with the human factor.<br>This article examines the concept of «Spirit» in the works of the outstanding Kazakh writer and public figure Sherkhan Murtaza. The author demonstrates the versatility of this concept and its significance in his work.<br>The aim of the article is to analyse how the concept of «Spirit» takes on different semantic shades and subtexts in the literary works of a linguistic personality and to what extent and how it influences the development of the plot and the features of the characters.<br>In Kazakh linguistics, reality is a linguistic image of the universe that represents a body of knowledge about the existence. In this context, it is known that each language has concepts that reflect its unique features. The main objective of the article is to determine what informative and cultural shades the concept of «Spirit» takes on in the works of the linguistic personality that becomes the subject of research. More precisely, in this present article we have analysed the scope of application of the concept «Spirit» in the author’s country-specific worldview.<br>The research article raises the question of the connection of the concept «Spirit» with human national identity, art, language, nature and spirituality and focuses on how Sherkhan Murtaza uses this term to express the history and culture of Kazakhstan.<br>The scientific and practical significance of the article lies in analysing the inner world of the heroes and defining the concept of «Spirit» in their spiritual quest. In the world of science, the term «concept» is one of the most important terms not only in linguistics, but also in such branches of fundamental science as philosophy and psychology. In this regard, the study of the concept of «Spirit» in the work of Sherkhan Murtaza should reveal its figurative side in the creation of the human soul and his own skill as a philosopher, as well as the importance of this subject within the framework of linguistic, literary and cultural discussions.<br>The artistic works of Sh. Murtaza were used as research material.<br>The article can be used as a supplement for literary scholars and linguists.</p> A.T. Kembayeva- O.S. Zhubai Telif Hakkı (c) 2024 https://journals.ayu.edu.kz/index.php/habarshy/article/view/3854 Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 THE CONCEPT OF “REASON” IN ABAI KUNANBAYEV’S WORKS AND ITS TRANSLATION INTO RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH LANGUAGES https://journals.ayu.edu.kz/index.php/habarshy/article/view/3855 <p>This article discusses the concept of “reason” in the works of Abai Kunanbayev and the features of its transmission in the original texts of the author, as well as their translations into Russian and English. The article compares the levels of equivalence in the translation versions and the methods used during the translation process. The concept of “reason” reflected in Abai's poem and edifying words is studied and the process of translating from one language to another is examined. During the article's discussion, Abai's works were considered as original text; translations of the words of edification into Russian by S. Sanbayev, R. Seisenbayev and C. Serikbayeva, E. Zhumagul, into English by Richard McKane, Simon Geoghegan and translations of poems by Dorian Rottenberg into English were selected. To determine the degree of equivalence of concepts, the article relies on the equivalence theory of V.N. Komissarov. The article emphasizes the lack of semantic and cultural identity in addition to pointing out that the literal English translation of the concept “reason” does not reflect all the cultural implications of the original word. The article's research methods are based on translation theory and practice. The recognition and understanding of the poet's degree of thinking, feeling, and creativity is a prerequisite for the translator's talent and creativity to reach a high level and acquire a poetic quality. A number of techniques for translating Abai’s poems into other languages have been identified, corresponding to the methods of linguistic representation of the original and capable of expressing the meaning of the original in a foreign language.</p> U.B. BAILIYEVA- N.A. ALDABEK- B.D. DAUTOVA Telif Hakkı (c) 2024 https://journals.ayu.edu.kz/index.php/habarshy/article/view/3855 Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000